Friday, May 13, 2011

My Porcelain Life: Kate Macdowell

Everytime I see something Kate Macdowell does i lose my breath...delicate and detailed,her porcelain sculptures are as intricate and fine as they are macabre and amazing.....almost like bone....but just a bit whiter....beautifull rendered....her skill and  craft is just beyone stunning...and while some pieces ARE dark...there is there often is in darkness.....but don't get me wrong...these works of art are SERIOUS.......and theres something so VISCERAL about it...I just want to caress it all...or taste looks know?!??!?!

Animals house human bones...mice grow ears {from their backs!}...twin hearts embrace each other with their tentacles....and birds nest in the ventricles of the lungs.....Magical things happen in Kates world....and If you take a look...maybe you'll see the magic as well!!!!


  1. WOW! I am astounded at how incredible Kate MacDowell's work is! Those two hearts embracing each other with tentacles...sheer genius!! ...and well, the two infants suckling at the wolf's breasts..I'm guessing this particular piece was inspired by the legend of Romulus and Remus, the founders of the ancient city of Rome; which were abandoned at birth, but who were then found and raised by a she-wolf. Absolutely sublime! What a visionary!

  2. Her work is just so delicate by nature...but also SO POWERFUL....I really just want to feel it...hold it.....It entranced me from the moment I saw it!!!!
